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Welcome to BW Power Engineers

Bw Power Engineers

safety hat


Our goal is to eliminate or minimize hazards that can cause accidents as BPE. It is BPE policy that all employees be given a copy of the policy manual and be familiar with its contents. BPE is committed to the Safety, Health, and Risks of all our employees and the environment they work in. The purpose of the BPE SHER policies and procedures is to guide and direct all employees to work safely and prevent injury, to themselves and others. BPE is committed to ensuring, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of the working environment for its staff, volunteers, contractors and visitors to its premises and working sites. All the employees are encouraged to participate in developing, implementing, and enforcing Health and Safety policies and procedures. All employees must take all reasonable steps to prevent accidents and never sacrifice safety for experience.

The BPE Management is responsible for:

ii.Providing personal protective equipment to all employees specific to each task.
iii.Ensuring that SHER inspections are done on all areas or work.
iv.Carrying-out internal SHER audits.
v.Ensuring that risk assessment for tasks are carried out.
vi.Monitoring procedures to assure compliance.
vii.Reviewing and maintaining SHER Records.
viii.Providing training to personnel on safe working procedures.